This is known as the Top Down or Skeleton scenario. 这被认为是自顶向下或者框架的方案。
When selecting a framework for your project, consider everyone involved, from the top down, and when you evaluate the framework, keep the impact to other parties in mind. 选择项目框架时,考虑从上到下所有相关人员的意见,并且在评估框架时,考虑到对其他各方的影响。
Now that your mind is clear, put the top down and take a road trip on the information superhighway. 既然已经清楚了这一点,那么您就可以放下汽车顶棚,驾车驶入信息超高速公路了。
Managers and executives examine total cost of ownership ( TCO) from the top down. 管理者和执行者自顶向下地检查所有权的全部成本(TCO)。
Projects which take a top down approach, decompose policy directives into detailed policies and rules. 项目采用自顶向下方式,把业务指示逐步分解为详细的策略和规则。
It can come from the top down as well as bottom up, and in the places you least expect. 自上向下也好,自下向上也罢,创新可以来自于任何地方,甚至是你最想不到的地方。
Peace with justice means free enterprise that unleashes the talents and creativity that reside in each of us; in other models, direct economic growth from the top down or relies solely on the resources extracted from the earth. 公正的和平意味着能够发挥我们每个人内在的才华和创造力的企业自由;在其他的模式中,直接的经济增长来自自上而下的推动,或者完全依赖开采地球的资源。
And cruising down a country road, with the top down, leaves man and his best friend looking twice as cool. 在乡村公路上兜风,打开车的顶蓬,男人和他最好的朋友看起来(比原来)要酷上一倍。
We're less interested in the top down market sizing and more focused on your Total Addressable Market ( TAM). 我们对你自上而下的市场规模定位比较不感兴趣,我们感兴趣的是你的总目标市场(TAM)多大。
With this effective wind deflector, owners can enjoy driving with the top down even in winter. 风向导流板的效果之佳,使得驾驶者即使在冬天也能享受到敞篷的乐趣。
Do we really have to go with the top down? 我们真的要去最顶吗?
Dampen your sponge in the cleaning solution and wipe the inside of the refrigerator from the top down, starting with the ceiling. 用清洁液将海绵弄湿,从顶部开始至上而下地擦拭冰箱的内部。
The Pillars of SOA can be seen as supporting "top down" or "bottom up" SOA program development. 这些支柱支持“自上而下”和“自下而上”两种SOA项目开发模式。
These examples show, once again, that only close business/ IT cooperation coupled with a top down SOA approach are the ones that ensure SOA success. 这些例子又一次表明了,只有业务/IT紧密合作并结合自上而下的SOA方法才能确保SOA成功。
Thus the leadership style tends to be bottom up and full of consensus-building, rather than top down. 所以日本领导层的风格偏向于自下而上的建立共识过程,而不是自上而下。
The warm air is from the top down, making the damp clothes on the hanger dry rapidly from the top down. 暖风从上往下,使衣架上的潮湿衣物从上至下迅速烘干;
Services can be identified either top down or bottom up. 识别服务既可以采用自顶向下,也可以自底向上。
In a more formal definition, topic specialization starts with the containing element and works from the top down. 在更正式的定义中,主题专门化从包含元素开始,自顶向下工作。
The squirrel got an A in climbing, but his flying teacher made him start from the ground up, instead of from the tree top down. 袋鼠爬行的成绩是优秀,但是在飞行课上却遇到了麻烦。他擅长从树上往下飞,而老师却让他从地面起跳往上飞。
Agile from the top down and all the way across the organization? 在组织内自上而下推广敏捷方法?
It struck me that lasting change came from the bottom up and not from the top down. 令我吃惊的是持久的变化是自下而上的,而不是自上而下的。
Organizational change on this scale requires significant investment and commitment from the top down. 在如此之大的组织内实施变革需要自上而下投入大量成本和投入。
Here's a slide of what we call the safety envelope and it's from the IAEA and I guess the best way to look at this is to sort of look from the top down. 这个幻灯片是我们称为安全信封,它是来自IAEA,我想观察它最好的方法,就是从上往下看。
Managing from the top down, we operate with full legitimacy. 我们进行由上而下的管理有充分的合法性。
This legislation came from the top down but the voice came from the general public. 这部法令的颁布是自上而下的,但呼声来自公众。
When I picture him heading south in his own car with the top down. 当我想到他开车向南走的时候。
With good tooling, this top down activities can be very handy to create a BPEL process. 通过好的工具,这些自上而下的活动可以很方便地被用来创建一个BPEL过程。
The presentation then goes into details on top down and bottom up composition approaches with SCA, implementation reuse through configuration and component implementation, binding and policies. 幻灯片接着详细讨论了SCA的两种组合方式:自顶向下和自底向上、通过配置和组件实现重用实现、绑定和策略。
Shun top down, and many rockery tunnel, visitors can walk on. 顺山势而下,又有许多假山隧洞,游人可以上下穿行。